We think automatically

Our strong and reliable partners

We need a network of strong partners in order to offer our customers best possible quality, an appropriate price–performance ratio, and on-time delivery.

Because it is only as a WE that we can progress together.

We focus on cooperative partnerships from the outset to achieve joint success in the long term.

Please send your supplier application to:

Opening hours of the goods receiving department:

Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Friday from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Supplier evaluation Become our new added-value partner

How to apply

as our supplier

  • Complete the supplier self-registration.
  • Collate informative documents with relevance to our product groups.
  • Please send this information to einkauf@wassermann-technologie.de.
  • WASSERMANN TECHNOLOGIE GmbH will check the information and provide feedback.
  • Please wait 4 weeks before inquiring about
    the status of your supplier application.


Process of a

supplier qualification

  • A request is sent.
  • An NDA is signed.
  • A quotation is submitted.
  • The quotation is evaluated.
  • A sample order is issued.
  • Required contract documents are coordinated.
  • If necessary, a supplier audit will be conducted during the qualification process.

We are always looking for supplier for:

  • Welded components
  • Sheet metal structures
  • Surface coating



Requirements What we expect from our suppliers

  • Certified to DIN EN ISO 9001
    Alternative: verification of a similar management system
  • Good communication and availability
  • Consistent quality
  • On-time deliveries
  • Continuous improvement attitude
  • Long-term cooperation

Downloads Document for our suppliers

Collection order (1)

Collection order (German) Download

Terms & Conditions of Purchase (1)

Terms & Conditions of Purchase – (German) Download
Terms & Conditions of Purchase – (English)

Your contact
for supplier applications

Elena Balzert

M. Eng.
Strategic Purchasing and Supplier Development

+49 (0) 6659 82- 0
